

For many years I « didn’t like Linux ».

Turns out I had always been told that as a Windows user I should use Ubuntu.

I now have Linux Mint, which is also super close to Windows, but actually nice to use. Highly recommend it if you, too, « don’t like Linux ».



  • ♻️ Minna N.
  • ♻️ Kari Perttula
  • ♻️ dramatease
  • ♻️ Lutin Discret
  • ♻️ Tech Cyborg
  • ♻️ VsQ
  • ♻️ miiko
  • ♻️ Bill Peters

  1. @gooba42 I think it was mostly the interface and having a bit more freedom – the freedom was what made me want to use Linux in the first place, so having something very handheld wasn’t filling my needs (but mint is still very, very guided)

  2. @alexture I landed on Kubuntu because I hated Unity and had given up on Gnome but otherwise hadn’t run into a problem with Ubuntu so I was curious if I’m missing something. Thanks for the details!

  3. @alexture I’ve always used Ubuntu (since 08) and honestly I’ve never mind the interface. But in all transparency I usually only need a terminal emulator and a browser both of which are full screen all the time

  4. @alexture @gooba42 Linux Mint is especially friendly for people making the switch from Windows. It feels immediately familiar if you’re used to recent Windows versions. It is designed only to be a desktop OS, and ships with a UI for just about every regular task. It tracks Ubuntu’s LTS versions, so has a very stable base, and relies on Flatpak for fresh software.

    It even has an OEM installer, and I’ve noticed that a fair number of refurbishers ship Mint on their laptops and desktops.

  5. @alexture
    I have converted hundreds of people from Windows to Linux Mint and no one has ever asked to go back to Windows. Linux Mint is so easy for those new to Linux to use. Similar interface to Windows makes the transition hassle free.

  6. @alexture That’s my story also. I had to use Linux for my research, but knew nothing about distros. They installed Ubuntu (with it’s standard desktop) and I thought that was Linux. It was quite the surprise when I found out a few years later that I had choices…that I really liked. I’ve tried several, but keep coming back to Mint.

  7. @alexture Being the girl I am, I also used to like the minty green colour in the early versions of Mint that I used.,However I havent used Linux Mint for a decade, I dont even know what it currently looks like. Please send screenshots! 😄