Recently, Alex started a conversation about how the Indie Web community does not really give enough space to all the different ways we already know of how to communicate online. And how limiting is can be to only rely on the webmentions.
And I agree with him, that webmentions are a technical barrier – both in how to set them up and use them. Anybody who thinks HTML is not a technical barrier needs to hang up with some non-programming people. Not to mention, there were times, when I sent the webmention, and just got back a non-helpful error response. In these cases, it is hard to figure out if the problem is on my site, let alone solve it.
But also in how their setup of different sites limits what an ‘acceptable’ webmention is. The result being, that I have so far read multiple posts of people complaining that some people are sending the like webmention with the text. Can’t provide the link, since I did not save any – they did seemed a bit misguided?