
Spotify and the future of podcasting is 4 years old

Liked Spotify and the bleak future of podcasting by Alex

This podcast comes in weekly episodes. But if you don’t want to wait an entire week between episodes, you can check out the entire season right now on Spotify!
I hear this once every couple of days, due to my heavy podcast-listening habits. I’m lucky enough that I don’t listen to Joe Rogan’s…

I published this post 4 years ago (as part of my October challenge of posting one piece of content per day, which I probably should do again some day). It’s funny how enshittification and walled gardens were already a huge concern but we/I didn’t have the words for them at all.

I still use podcast addict, ignore any proprietary app, and vibe with my fave podcasts. (Which reminds me I should start preparing my 2024 podcast recommendations soon.)


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