Amazon-free shopping (for Europe)

This is a list of places where I like to buy (or would like to buy) my stuff, now that I try never to rely on Amazon and that I also avoid large corporate conglomerates.

The 👑 emoji means that there is a lifetime or similar long-term warranty on the products.


Beauty & hygiene

Clothes & accessories

  • Loom clothes that are made to last, beautiful and very sober.


  • Commown (France) 👑 headphones, computers (laptop or desktop) & Fairphone smartphones. You pay monthly and it includes repairs & replacements whenever needed.
  • Fairphone smartphone (5-year warranty and designed for easy repair)

Furniture & home decor



  • 2024-04-15
    • Removed:
      • Patagonia (two negative experiences, warranty is hard to use outside of the US)
      • Brands that I only knew based on reputation, given the Patagonia experience
  •  2023-10-30
    • Added:
      • Cookware: Cristel & Staub
    • Removed:
      • Etsy: not recommended anymore
      • Uncommon Goods: the prices have gotten ridiculous
  • 2023-01-16
    • Added:
      • Books:
      • Furniture: Herman Miller
    • Removed:
      • Books: Book Depository belongs to Amazon. Thanks for flagging, Allan!
  • 2023-01-15
    • Added:
      • Clothes: Loom
  • 2023-01-13
    • Big addition: lifetime (or similar) warranty, signalled by 👑 emoji
    • New section
      • Changelog
      • Electronics
      • Other
    • Full rewrite, completely different list
      • Clothes & Accessories
      • Furniture
    • Added:
  1. @alexture For ebooks I use, it seems to be independantly owned and the few books I bough here were DRM-free, although I saw they sell some ebooks with DRM too.

  2. @HCyclop ooo merci j’ai ajouté ! je t’ai pas crédité comme j’étais pas sûr que tu voulais ton nom là et que ton compte est privé, mais dis-moi si tu souhaites que je te mentionne dans le changelog !

  3. My criteria:

    Must ship to France without extra tax (shipping can be free or paid)
    Can be any size from tiny single person selling their homemade cookies to household brand as long as it’s not a gigantic conglomerate
    I will add stuff based on recommendations 🙂

    I try to favour:

    /r/buyitforlife, long warranty or easy to repair products – currently signalled by an emoji
    ethical and eco-friendly products – not a hard criteria yet but definitely will be when I flesh out the list

    Upcoming criteria:

    Removing platforms (currently I have Etsy in there, and there’s obviously no guarantee of the quality of individual shops, but I’m also a bit desperate in the homemade small stuff category)

    Hope it’s of good use to some of y’all!

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