

Today is Tuesday, and I’ve got my sax lesson tonight. Today is Tuesday and I don’t know why I’m saying this – as though it could be interesting for anyone I know ! How stupid am I…

Nah. Anyway, I don’t feel like writing in English anymore. And I don’t know what’s happening to me since I went out of the CSI, I don’t want to write in English, and I don’t even think I would be able to if I wanted to write the kind of stuff I used to imagine when I was there. Is it being far from the people with whom English was beautiful ? Is it not enjoying the English language anymore, just because I don’t see them anymore ? I don’t know. But I do know it feels horrible when I write in English now – it’s not natural anymore. I have to work, to translate some French ways of talking, nothing comes alone – I feel like an usual student trying to do his homework.


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