Restless Dolly Maunder

Read Restless Dolly Maunder by Kate Grenville

Dolly Maunder was born at the end of the nineteenth century, when society’s long-locked doors were finally starting to creak ajar for women. Born into a poor farming family in country New South Wales but clever, energetic and determined, she spent her restless life pushing at those doors.

Kate Grenville writes the story of her grandmother, as she imagines it from a few photos and a couple of anecdotes. It’s the story of a woman before women could get out of the home, it’s fascinating and so horrifyingly mundane. There is despair in these pages, but this kind of despair is felt only…


Read Holly by Stephen King

Êtes-vous prêt à franchir la porte du 93 Ridge Road ?

Dans une jolie maison victorienne d’une petite ville du Midwest, Emily et Rodney Harris, anciens professeurs d’université, mènent une vie de retraités actifs. Malgré leur grand âge, les années semblent n’avoir pas avoir de prise sur eux.
À quelques pas de leur demeure, on a retrouvé le vélo de Bonnie Dahl, récemment disparue. Elle n’est pas la première à se volatiliser dans ce périmètre. Chose étrange : à chaque fois, il s’agit de jeunes gens.

Quels secrets inavouables cachent les murs tapissés de livres des époux Harris ?

Sur l’insistance de la mère de Bonnie, Holly Gibney accepte de reprendre du service. Elle est loin d’imaginer ce qui l’attend : une plongée dans la folie humaine, là où l’épouvante n’a pas de limite.

Holly est un Stephen King sans fioritures. Il refait ce qu’il sait faire, proprement, sans surprise, et avec son talent habituel. Holly, c’est un thriller horrifique sans éléments surnaturels, mais avec des anti-vaccins et du COVID à chaque page, et un petit côté « eh mais ce tueur en série est Jordan Peterson » qui…

Blanc autour

Read Blanc autour by Wilfrid Lupano

1832, Canterbury. Dans cette petite ville du Connecticut, l’institutrice Prudence Crandall s’occupe d’une école pour filles. Un jour, elle accueille dans sa classe une jeune noire, Sarah. La population blanche locale voit immédiatement cette « exception » comme une menace. Même si l’esclavage n’est plus pratiqué dans la plupart des États du Nord, l’Amérique blanche reste hantée par le spectre de Nat Turner : un an plus tôt, en Virginie, cet esclave noir qui savait lire et écrire a pris la tête d’une révolte sanglante.
Pour les habitants de Canterbury, instruction rime désormais avec insurrection. Ils menacent de retirer leurs filles de l’école si la jeune Sarah reste admise. Prudence Crandall les prend au mot et l’école devient la première école pour jeunes filles noires des États-Unis, trente ans avant l’abolition de l’esclavage.

Trente ans avant la fin de l’esclavage au Sud, et en pleine ségrégation au Nord des États-Unis, Prudence Crandall, au Connecticut, accueille des jeunes étudiantes noires. Et je suppose que je ne surprendrai personne en disant que ça ne se passe pas très bien. Mon ami Loïc m’a prêté plusieurs BDs de Lupano, et celle-ci…

Do people IRL know you have a blog?

Replied to Do people IRL know you have a blog? by bacardi55bacardi55 (

Yet another non usual technical blog post today… But something I have been thinking about for a few weeks… So I thought that writing it here might get it out of my system (and maybe raise intersting responses). Maybe with the reply july challenge (even though I’m not officially participating),…

Not only do people IRL know I have a blog, but I don’t let them forget it. I’m extremely obnoxious about the upsides of having a personal blog and wanting us all to use RSS feeds and comment sections and/or webmentions. More importantly, I use my blog as a repository of answers to conversations or…

Superhuman Industrial

Played Superhuman Industrial and Immaterial, Incorporated by Written by Linda H. Codega (@_linfinn) with Mandy Szewczuk (@junketss) for the #BeyondSupersJam hosted by riley rethal (@jaceaddax). (

The city of Middleport is a well-known hub for superheroes – not least of all because the Stormsign Initiative is based out of the Uptown Spire! It’s pretty cool, honestly, watching all these superheroes do their thing. And you might not be super-powered, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be a part of the action.

Lucky you, you’re an employee at Superhuman Industrial and Immaterial, Inc., a supercorp dealing with everything that goes into the production of being a superhero – from costume design to public opinion research, SIII does it all.

Type: solo RPG, 1d6. I haven’t played solo RPGs in ages, and I finally just bought dice and a set of cards, allowing me to start playing again. I decided to start exploring my new collection with Superhuman Industrial, which is played with 1d6 and something to record your story (in my case, a markdown…

Some people need killing: a memoir of murder in my country

Read Some People Need Killing: A Memoir of Murder in My Country by Patricia Evangelista

Journalist Patricia Evangelista came of age in the aftermath of a street revolution that forged a new future for the Philippines. Three decades later, in the face of mounting inequality, the nation discovered the fragility of its democratic institutions under the regime of strongman Rodrigo Duterte.

Some People Need Killing is Evangelista’s meticulously reported and deeply human chronicle of the Philippines’ drug war. For six years, Evangelista chronicled the killings carried out by police and vigilantes in the name of Duterte’s war on drugs—a war that has led to the slaughter of thousands—immersing herself in the world of killers and survivors and capturing the atmosphere of fear created when an elected president decides that some lives are worth less than others.

Around the world: Philippines Are you wondering why I read a 500-page book on government-sanctioned murder in the Philippines? Me too. Here, Patricia Evangelista tells us about her story as a journalist covering crime scenes. She weaves it with President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs. The man said a dealer or addict didn’t deserve to…