En compagnie des hommes

Read En compagnie des hommes by Véronique Tadjo

Un virus mortel et incurable a mis l’espèce humaine face au danger de l’extinction. Baobab, arbre premier, arbre éternel, arbre symbole de grande sagesse, prend la parole et réveille la mémoire de l’humanité. Sous son ombre fraîche, hommes, femmes, enfants pris dans la tourmente, combattants farouches pour la survie, vont confier leur lutte contre les ravages d’Ebola : le docteur en combinaison d’astronaute qui, jour après jour, soigne les malades sous une tente ; l’infirmière sage-femme dont les gestes et l’attention…

Around the world + MyReadingChallenge54 : Côte d’ivoire C’est plus un recueil de nouvelles qu’un roman, une collection de vignettes toutes autour d’Ebola. Il y a l’homme qui perd sa fiancée, l’enfant qui perd ses parents, les parents qui perdent leur enfant. Il y a les singes et les arbres et les chauves-souris. Il y…

yes to a happy internet

Liked Not Who I Want To Be by Nadreck (nadreck.me)

Jay has a recent post up called “Not The Sort Of Person I Want To Be Online“, and it strikes pretty close to home. It’s worth the click, in my opinion. It opens with:
It would be so so easy for me to open my blog editor every week and vent and rant about the state of the world. About how crazy…

Don’t forget the girl

Read Don’t Forget the Girl by Rebecca McKanna

Twelve years ago, 18-year-old University of Iowa freshman Abby Hartmann disappeared. Now, Jon Allan Blue, the serial killer suspected of her murder, is about to be executed. Abby’s best friends, Bree and Chelsea, watch as Abby’s memory is unearthed and overshadowed by Blue and his flashier crimes. The friends, estranged in the wake of Abby’s disappearance, and suffering from years of unvoiced resentments, must reunite when a high-profile podcast dedicates its next season to Blue’s murders.

True crime cares about every little detail. Except the victim and her loved ones. In this book, two women must decide if they want a famous true crime podcast to dissect the murder of their best friend, years ago. Are they ready to relive everything, hoping that a few sleuths will solve the mystery and…


Read Trois by Valérie Perrin

1986. Adrien, Etienne et Nina se rencontrent en CM2. Très vite, ils deviennent fusionnels et une promesse les unit : quitter leur province pour vivre à Paris et ne jamais se séparer.

2017. Une voiture est découverte au fond d’un lac dans le hameau où ils ont grandi. Virginie, journaliste au passé énigmatique, couvre l’événement. Peu à peu, elle dévoile les liens extraordinaires qui unissent ces trois amis d’enfance. Que sont-ils devenus ? Quel rapport entre cette épave et leur histoire d’amitié ?

Ma collègue Alix et moi discutons parfois de lecture ; elle sait que j’aime lire, on a discuté de quelques classiques, surtout côté polar, qui me plaisent beaucoup. Une fois, elle est venue me voir et m’a lancé « j’aimerais bien que tu lises Trois, de Valérie Perrin, je l’ai beaucoup aimé, et j’aimerais avoir…

A Dictator Calls

Read A Dictator Calls by Ismail Kadare

In June 1934, Stalin allegedly called Boris Pasternak and they spoke about the arrest of Osip Mandelstam. A telephone call from the dictator was not something necessarily relished, and in the complicated world of literary politics it would have provided opportunities for potential misunderstanding and profound trouble. But this was a call one could not ignore. Stalin wanted to know what Pasternak thought of the idea that Mandelstam had been arrested.

Ismail Kadare explores the afterlife of this phone call using accounts of witnesses, reporters, writers such as Isaiah Berlin and Anna Akhmatova, wives, mistresses, biographers, and even archivists of the KGB. The results offer a meditation on power and political structure, and how literature and authoritarianism construct themselves in plain sight of one another. Kadare’s reconstruction becomes a gripping mystery, as if true crime is being presented in mosaic.

In this book that, given its ratings on The Storygraph, was only appreciated by myself and the jury of the Booker Prize, Ismail Kadare takes a single story of a single, less than 3-minutes long, phone call between dictator Joseph Stalin and poet Boris Pasternak. What was said during this call? For all accounts, something…

blocking replies on mastodon

Replied to Will It Still Be Social? (louplummer.lol)

I’ve evidently been living under a rock as a budding controversy has been brewing in the Fediverse. There is a two-year old proposal known as FEP-5624: Per-object reply control policies:
“Sometimes, users may want to…

I understand the idea of wanting to post and not wanting replies from anyone, I really do. But this brings me back to the question that I always seem to come back to: if you want full control, why do you rely on someone else’s platform? Get a blog! Curate comments or close them! Social…