Downloadable Olympics calendars

Liked GitHub – fabrice404/olympics-calendar: Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games calendars (*.ics) by fabrice404 (GitHub)

Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games calendars (*.ics). Contribute to fabrice404/olympics-calendar development by creating an account on GitHub.

Use this Olympics calendar list to subscribe to: All Olympics event with a given country All events within an Olympic sport I subscribed manually to everything because I have way too much free time, and I also subscribed, in another calendar, to everything France-related. First games in 2 days, I’m so excited!

yes to a happy internet

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It would be so so easy for me to open my blog editor every week and vent and rant about the state of the world. About how crazy…

Pourquoi et comment le solarpunk doit construire une nouvelle culture

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