Being broke, poor, or maybe just upper middle class in an upper class world

Liked “Saltburn,” “The Bling Ring,” and the Pathetic Desperation of the Upper Middle Class by Drew Burnett GregoryDrew Burnett Gregory (Autostraddle)

I could respond to every sign of immense privilege with reasons why I still had less than the people around me. I mean, do wealthy people grow up hearing their parents worry about money? I thought, of course not. The real answer is, of course. Everyone worries about money! My parents would argue they had to take loans out to pay for my college and rich people can pay out of pocket. But the truth is there are just levels to being rich.

I really liked the way this post used personal experience and a couple of movies to remind us that there are different levels of rich and of privilege. I had the exact same struggles as the author when in business school: many of my peers were going to all the fancy open-champagne skiing events, while…

How to do a good bad job « trying » with your loved one’s transition

Liked How To Do A Good Bad Job « Trying » With Your Loved One’s Transition by Daniel Lavery (The Chatner)

Trail off immediately [after using the right pronoun] if you can, to demonstrate that the effort has drained your slender resources. “The store…” What were you saying? Who can remember? Your voice has been stolen. This is so hard!!!

After the excellent Avoiding transition by family committee, here’s the other side of the coin: How to do a good bad job « trying » with your loved one’s transition. Hilarious, and horribly true, as usual.

deprecating content

Liked Advent of Technical Writing: Deprecating Content by James James (

This is the tenth post in the Advent of Technical Writing series, wherein I will share something I have learned from my experience as a technical writer. My experience is primarily in software technical writing, but what you read may apply to different fields, too. View all posts in the series.

This is something I never quite know how to approach at work. Thanks for writing it, James − it’s going to be shared with my colleagues!



L’Université Grenoble Alpes a lancé un nouveau podcast (sur Youtube uniquement pour l’instant, de ce que je vois) de psychologie et sciences cognitives, que je trouve super intéressant. Non seulement ça, mais en plus le dernier épisode en date parle du bien-être des ados sportifs de haut niveau, en plein quand je travaille sur l’article…

Yes, men are losing rights in the age of feminism

Liked Yes, men are losing rights* in the age of feminism (

That’s the pesky asterisk in “men are losing rights*”. And it’s a different argument than “ha ha ha LOL shut up you haven’t lost any rights.” Men have lost rights. Unpacking why, and whether we shoud’ve ever had them to begin with, is a different conversation, and one I think we need to be willing to have if we are to deconstruct the weird entitlement of the manosphere.

Liked Round-Up of October 2023 IndieWeb Carnival by Pablo Morales (

Alex has a written a great post on self-care by focusing on news consumption. Right away you wrote, « Not only do I spend too much time on the Internet – I spend way too much time consuming content and news. » You took the words right out of my mouth. News isn’t limited to listening to reading it online, or watching it on the television (or historically radio). Now the news in the 21st comes in so many different mediums such as podcasts. I’ve seen an increase of this negative news. It discourages me to use any form of social media, even decentralized social media. I want to ignore but it seems hard not to even if you don’t click links. « Curating a me-friendly news experience » by « find[ing] the things that bring you joy and give your brain a break from the hate. » It’s important to step away from even if it’s for a little while. We can’t let it consume us to the core. It will make use dark and bitter. I catch myself becoming angry. You make a great point on finding the right sources and filtering things out by using an RSS reader. Even I as an avid New York Times and leftist news person, have to turn off my computer and throw my phone across the room to reattach myself to the world around me. It’s got to the point where I have to go into my terminal and turn off the Docker container and turn of my RSS reader. There has to be a better way for everything. Support local journalism because we need to know what’s happening in our hometowns and the places we live. We need to now what’s happening in our communities to make a difference and become aware what’s around us.


Liked Jazz by Chris Coyier (

Oh man, good for me. Look at me! I am listening to jazz. Here I am, just taking in the moment. Fully present. Just me and the music. Yup yup yup yup yup. Completely immersed. Thinking about nothing else. The rhythm. The musicality. The syncopation. Is that the right word? “Syncopation”? That’s a jazz thing? […]

had a good laugh. i can relate.