Rana Joon and the One and Only Now

Read Rana Joon and the One and Only Now by Shideh Etaat

Perfect Iranian girls are straight A students, always polite, and grow up to marry respectable Iranian boys. But it’s the San Fernando Valley in 1996, and Rana Joon is far from perfect—she smokes weed and loves Tupac, and she has a secret: she likes girls.

As if that weren’t enough, her best friend, Louie—the one who knew her secret and encouraged her to live in the moment—died almost a year ago, and she’s still having trouble processing her grief. To honor him, Rana enters the rap battle he dreamed of competing in, even though she’s terrified of public speaking.

Rana Joon and the One and Only Now is a novel about grief. As many novels about grief are, it is also about hope. Rana needs to build a place for herself, and since the death of her best friend Louie a year ago − a death that she does not believe was an accident,…

Scholomance / A Deadly Education

Read The Scholomance Series by Naomi Novik ( )

I don’t need help surviving the Scholomance, even if they do. Forget the hordes of monsters and cursed artifacts, I’m probably the most dangerous thing in the place. Just give me a chance and I’ll level mountains and kill untold millions, make myself the dark queen of the world.

I accidentally binge read the Scholomance trilogy this week, and it was glorious. a heroine whose life curse is that she’s deeply unlikeable, and who stopped even trying. an extraordinarily powerful and socially clueless sidekick. bisexuals! evil plots to take over the world! linguistics!? Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par Jessica Liu…