
Coffee Boy

Read Coffee Boy by Austin Chant

After graduation, Kieran expected to go straight into a career of flipping burgers—only to be offered the internship of his dreams at a political campaign. But the pressure of being an out trans man in the workplace quickly sucks the joy out of things, as does Seth, the humorless campaign strategist who watches his every move.

Soon, the only upside to the job is that Seth has a painful crush on their painfully straight boss, and Kieran has a front row seat to the drama. But when Seth proves to be as respectful and supportive as he is prickly, Kieran develops an awkward crush of his own—one which Seth is far too prim and proper to ever reciprocate.

Coup de coeur pour ce très court roman. Ce n’est pas comme Knit One, Girl Two (dont j’ai fait une critique récemment), où on sait exactement où on va et on a du 100% feel-good tout le long. Dans ce livre-ci, on parle de sujets sérieux, de transphobie, de mégenrage, de dysphorie, et on mélange le tout avec un humour piquant et des retournements de situation amoureuse qui nous tiennent en haleine. Bref : non seulement c’est un bouquin adorable, mais en plus, c’est un bouquin constructif. Et facile à lire.
Et en plus, il est donné : 1€68 en format Kindle sur Amazon !


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