I was tired of having to use the old WordPress editor for everything because of the Post Kinds plugin. The problem is, the Post Kinds plugin is great: I’ve used it for over 200 posts, I think, possibly closer to 300.
What I especially love about the post kind plugin is that it parses the page I’m replying to and puts it as an introduction block on my post, with a link, a little icon, and a description.

Recently, I got too sick of the old editor and decided to move to IndieBlocks, which seems to support most of the uses I make of Post Kinds, with two exceptions:
- It doesn’t have a Read note type for my book reviews. This means no cute icon, but that’s about it: I’ve tagged all of them under #book-review so one can still easily find them.
- There’s no parsing, which is way more of an issue because the title, author name, and summary aren’t pulled at all.
I was fully prepared to kill Post Kinds and start adding this information manually on future posts. But when I tried disabling it, I realized that the info disappeared from every single post I’ve ever made using parsing. It’s not great for book reviews. It’s dramatic for likes and replies – they don’t even link to the original anymore!
So right now, I’ve disabled the Classic Editor to go back to the twenty-first century one, and left Post Kinds up. Which means I get a red warning on every single page of the backend. This is not something my brain can ignore (yes, I am also an Inbox Zero person).
I guess my best solution at this point is to go through every single blog post I’ve made and copy and paste the parsed introduction, possibly creating custom « book info » and « thing I’m replying to / liking » blocks to save a bit of time on formatting. But do I have this kind of time?
I use a plugin to enforce only Classic Editor. But I recently enabled a sub-setting it has to « Allow users to switch editors » which allows me to choose. I always choose Classic but I’ve played a bit with Block Editor and don’t hate it the way I did when I first encountered it.