
Read Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi ( )

Effia and Esi: two sisters with two very different destinies. One sold into slavery; one a slave trader’s wife. The consequences of their fate reverberate through the generations that follow. Taking us from the Gold Coast of Africa to the cotton-picking plantations of Mississippi; from the missionary schools of Ghana to the dive bars of Harlem, spanning three continents and seven generations, Yaa Gyasi has written a miraculous novel–the intimate, gripping story of a brilliantly vivid cast of characters and through their lives the very story of America itself.

This novel is possibly my favourite read of 2023 so far, because it is incredibly good and also, I must say, because I am a huge sucker for multi-generational timelines. In Homegoing, Yaa Gyasi follows two sisters separated at a very young age in 18th century Ghana. One is sold as a slave, the other…


Read Musulmanes: A quoi ressemblerait l’islam si toutes ces femmes musulmanes n’avaient pas été oubliées ? by Attika Trabelsi ( )

Malheureusement un livre qui rejoint la catégorie de « c’est bien et important que ça existe, mais surtout parce qu’il n’y a pas mieux pour l’instant ». Je me sens mal de dire ça parce que pour moi c’est vraiment un problème de forme : doubles espaces, ponctuation mal placée ou en double, bref, ça ferait du…

reply to sara on sponsoring women

Replied to Ali je slabo, da sem slaba v sponzoriranju ljudi? by https://sarajaksa.eu/2023/08/ali-je-slabo-da-sem-slaba-v-sponzoriranju-ljudi/Sara Jakša (sarajaksa.eu)

Pred kratkim sem ponovno prebrala članek What does sponsorship look like?. Govori predvsem v tem, kakšna je razlika med mentoriranjem in sponzoriranjem ljudi.
Sama pri sebi opazujem, da sem še vedno slaba v dejanskem sponzoriranjem ljudi. Ne vem zakaj, mogoče nisem pretirano dobra v tem, da prep…

In my opinion, being the only woman in your org and staying there and existing there and advocating for yourself is already a huge militant step. I also don’t think there is a responsibility for women to sponsor other women, specifically – anyone can and should sponsor women (and people of other minorities, of course).…