
Read Ariadne by Jennifer Saint

As Princesses of Crete and daughters of the fearsome King Minos, Ariadne and her sister Phaedra grow up hearing the hoofbeats and bellows of the Minotaur echo from the Labyrinth beneath the palace. The Minotaur – Minos’s greatest shame and Ariadne’s brother – demands blood every year.
When Theseus, Prince of Athens, arrives in Crete as a sacrifice to the beast, Ariadne falls in love with him. But helping Theseus kill the monster means betraying her family and country, and Ariadne knows only too well that in a world ruled by mercurial gods – drawing their attention can cost you everything.

I’ve seen this book compared with Circe about a million times, so I’m going to start by doing the same: Yes, this is similar to Circe in its premise. But it’s much less dense and verbose, and it’s also more in-your-face with its « women suffer the consequences from men’s actions in Ancient Greek mythology » underlying theme.…

Diary of a Misfit

Read Diary of a misfit : a memoir and a mystery by Casey Parks

When Casey Parks came out as a lesbian in college back in 2002, she assumed her life in the rural South was over. Her mother shunned her, and her pastor asked God to kill her. But then Parks’ grandmother, a stern conservative who grew up picking cotton, shared a story about her childhood friend, Roy Hudgins, a musician who was allegedly kidnapped as a baby and was « a woman who lived as a man. » « Find out what happened to Roy, » Casey’s grandma implored. Part memoir, part investigative reporting, Diary of a Misfit is the story of Parks’ life-changing journey to unravel the mysteries of Roy’s life, all the while confronting ghosts of her own.

In a memoir & investigation very similar in structure and messaging to Alex Marzano-Lesvenich’s The fact of a body, Casey Parks tells us her own story as she tries to uncover the life of a (seemingly) transgender man in rural Louisiana in the 70s. The memoir begins as her mother makes it very clear that…

Transidentités : de l’invisibilisation à l’obsession médiatique

Read Transidentités : de l’invisibilisation à l’obsession médiatique

Notre étude révèle que la moitié des articles n’ont pas un traitement respectueux des personnes trans, un sur quatre sont même anti-trans.

Le nouveau rapport de l’Association des Journalistes LGBT (AJL) est excellent. Le rapport est en trois parties : 1. Un sujet enfin légitime 2. Des progrès fragiles 3. Un nouveau marqueur des lignes éditoriales à droite À lire absolument !

Listened Solarpunk Now! Episode 1 by Luka D. from

Solarpunk Now! is my latest #podcast find. It’s in English and talks about the future of our world, with #solarpunk ethics, of course. The intro episode touches on the difference between cottagecore and solarpunk and on why cottagecore too often leads to ecofascism, and I thought it was super interesting; the other episodes, if I…

des colonisations

Listened La colonisation et je ne sais quoi encore by Des Colonisations from Spectre Podcasts

Le discours public actuel sur la colonisation, c’est souvent le même que pendant l’ère coloniale. Et tout en haut de l’État, on préfère essayer d’interdire l’étude de la colonisation sous prétexte d’islamo-gauchisme plutôt que de prendre nos responsabilités et d’essayer d’améliorer les choses.