Liked Google’s chatbot panic by Cory DoctorowCory Doctorow (

The really remarkable thing isn’t just that Microsoft has decided that the future of search isn’t links to relevant materials, but instead lengthy, florid paragraphs written by a chatbot who happens to be a habitual liar – even more remarkable is that Google agrees.

Liked I need to do a better job of explaining what I mean by Ben WerdmullerBen Werdmuller (

I’m grateful to have received feedback, from multiple people in multiple places, that some of my writing is hard to understand. My working life is so saturated with jargon that I often forget to stop and define terms – so, for example, while I know what I mean by “human-centered design” or…

Good thinking here, and I’m also trying to get rid of jargon. This intersects with (in French): Le langage militant est-il trop élitiste ? – Original version: Elitist Language

Licences libres : Faciliter la création de communs immatériels

Liked Licences libres : Faciliter la création de communs immatériels (

« On peut espérer que dans une société socialiste la notion de propriété intellectuelle n’aurait plus de sens, seule la parenté d’une œuvre pourrait être encore pertinente, et les créatrices et les créateurs n’auraient pas à user du système restrictif et précarisant qu’est le droit d’auteur pour espérer survivre. »

Replied to Les « femmes de la communauté LGBTQI+ » by an author (Eldritch Café)

Femmes et queers, la double peine

(Par contre je suis la seule gênée par la formulation « femmes de la communauté LGBTQI+ » ? On dirait une formulation de Science Po à base d’euphémisme, dans la lignée de « handicapable » ou « personne issue de la diversité visible », alors que : « femmes trans, lesbiennes et bies+ » existe)

en général, toute mention de « la communauté LGBTQ+ » me déplaît fortement et me donne moins confiance en ce que je lis. les personnes LGBTQ ne forment pas une communauté unique et homogène, n’ont ni les mêmes besoins, ni les mêmes aspirations. j’ai le sentiment que décrire les personnes LGBTQ comme « une communauté » facilite et justifie…

Liked Toux persistante après une infection respiratoire : que faut-il savoir ? (The Conversation)

Certaines toux peuvent durer des semaines, voire des mois après la fin d’une infection respiratoire. Bonne nouvelle (quoique peu satisfaisante) : la plupart finiront par passer d’elles-mêmes.

parce que mon corps refuse de se remettre de son rhume d’il y a trois semaines, je partage cet article et sa conclusion : il suffit d’attendre que ça passe (et ça va passer).

Replied to by Ben WerdmullerBen Werdmuller (

For a while I was deeply into the podcasting universe, but these days I really just want text that I can consume in my own way, at my own pace, using my own imagination. Call it impatience. But I love that podcasts exist and that so many people make and listen.

Same here, my format preferences really ebb and flow. A podcast with a transcript or with detailed show notes will do the trick beautifully if you want to keep me loyal over several months of years!

The Death of Queer Privacy – YouTube


On doxxing and harassment, and gay marriage as the end goal of LGBTQ+ rights. A sad and important video. (Part 1 is about a specific movie; parts 2 & 3 are are the general video essay.) 2023-12-09 update: Turns out James Somerton was stealing content for all his video. Part 1 (the one I didn’t…

I don’t use generalist search engines anymore

Replied to The Tragedy of AI and Google Bard (

After reading Casey Newton’s post on Google playing catch up with AI via Bard I’ve been prompted to complete some thoughts I’ve had brewing about search. When I want to research a new product I no longer go to Google. The clickbait and ill-informed reviews of products are a waste of my time. They reveal […]

Search engines have been my bane recently, especially for product reviews. Actually, I’m afraid that the internet has become an issue of itself these past days. Books are written by AI. Looking for a tutorial on Google will give you badly translated pages that spend 90% of the page on boilerplate information about the product…

The Toilet Paper Problem

Liked I Am Not A Crank: We Need Middle-of-the-Road Toilet Paper by Daniel Lavery (The Chatner)

A simple request, from a simple man; one I believe is eminently achievable with one or two minor adjustments. I don’t call for a major overhaul of society, or for a lot of hard work from anyone (Not that I’m afraid of a little hard work, so long as it’s really just a little and I can be sure of a hot meal afterwards). But we’ve got to bring back some middle-of-the-road toilet paper.

good post. good post.