
My Interrail trip starts in 9 days

I’ve been preparing for this for a while, and finally, it’s coming up!

On March 31st, I’ll be embarking for a trip throughout a large chunk of Europe (wish I had done more, but Europe is big) with an Interrail ticket for an entire month. With Interrail, I get to take as many trains as I want − no flights, no car rental. In this house we’re sustainable and enjoying every single window view on the way (except for one night train, alright).

I’m bringing one backpack (this is my first backpacking trip. I’m scared!), a small bluetooth keyboard to write about my experience while I’m on the train, the offline maps of OpenStreetMaps on my phone, and about 50 (digital) books because I panicked. All your recommendations on what to bring are welcome. Any recommendations for more books to grab before leaving the sweet sweet wifi of my apartment are also welcome.

My goal is to spend one or two days in a bunch of different cities, with two exceptions for places where I have friends that I’d like to spend more time with − Berlin and Milan. And since I’ve been asking for recommendations: if you have housing, eating, activities to recommend in any of these cities, or if you’re there yourself and would like to meet up (even if we’ve never met before!), please please comment here or contact me!

I’m also challenging myself to only speak Italian when in Italy (no English allowed), to speak German at least in public when in Germany (that’s harder), and to avoid listening to podcasts in French and English while walking so that I enjoy the sounds of the cities, not just their views.

I’ll be visiting, in alphabetical order:

  • Berlin
  • Bologna
  • Bolzano
  • Budapest
  • Milan
  • München
  • Lakes of Bled & Bohinj
  • Ljubljana
  • Salzburg
  • Torino
  • Trieste
  • Venezia


  • Verona
  • Zagreb

I’ll try to talk about every city and share a few photos on this blog once in a while. I don’t have an unlimited 4G subscription (it’s part of the charm, really) so I probably won’t post many photos, and I’ll probably mostly write while on trains rather than in the evenings, so I definitely won’t post every day… but you can follow my trip here, in the tag of my blog.

Hope you’ll enjoy the posts, but more importantly (sorry!), hope I’ll enjoy the trip!


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