3 articles sont étiquetés cooking.
In response to Sara Jakša’s call for blog posts about cooking 😀
ingredients and utensils for making coleslaw and BBQ beans laid out on the counter
I’ve gone through many phases of cooking and food over my adult life, including a number that I’m quite happy to have moved past, ranging from…
a sweet read on different eating regimens and the emotions they create
searching for a recipe

We are looking after a friend’s place in the country and perhaps the hardest work is keeping on top of the vegetable garden. Ignore it for a day, and there are five large cucumbers, mocking you. My cucumber repertoire is somewhat limited; raita, quick pickle, sandwiches and, when I remember, Yan-K…
on the limits of searching for a recipe online, the problem with search engines, the problem with subscriptions, and the futility of trying to clean up this mess.