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they/he, il. Wikipedian and book reader, mostly. Localization and sociology enthusiast.

How I got into personal websites

Replied to Send a Friend a Webmention Day or Some of my Thinking about Webmentions by Jakša (

Since we all here, lets talk about how you got into personal websites. Not how you got in the indieweb, but tell me about what was the trigger for you to start your first personal website.
I mean, it is also a first of the yearly events,…

Ohh, I’m a friend! I’m really, really glad to have received a webmention seen the post on your blog and realised that mine doesn’t support webmentions on the homepage and (hopefully) fixed it! When I was a kid, I didn’t really grasp the difference between a blog and a diary. This has come to bite…

Liked Why I Blog? by Pablo MoralesPablo Morales (

I blog because I want to share my thoughts, which seems pretty obvious. The real reason I write is to find the person I’ve always wanted to become. For many years, I lost control of who I was. All that ambition, all those goals were pushed back. Truly, I want to learn how I can become more expressive with myself. I want to reconnect with myself. Blogging is only one piece of putting me back together.

Ate Salade choban (çoban salatası) (

La salade du berger (çoban salatası) fait partie de la cuisine quotidienne turque. Elle est simplement composée de tomates hachées et de concombres en quantités égales, d’oignons et de persil arrosés de jus de citron, d’huile d’olive et de sel. Les poivrons verts turcs et les herbes sont des ajouts courants. C’est une salade simple de tous les jours, qui se prépare rapidement. Bien qu’assez récente (années 50), c’est peut-être aujourd’hui la salade d’accompagnement la plus populaire et la plus courante en Turquie.

Super recette pour une salade qui change un peu de l’ordinaire : avec une petite grillade sur le côté, on s’est régalés !