
December 2024 in review / Récap de décembre 2024

Hi everyone, and happy last monthly notes of the year! Yearly recaps will follow in early January, so if you’ve missed some recommendations you can have a shortened list soon!

I am feeling much better than last month and am very thankful for the people who sent me kind messages after my last update. Now, I’m a bit hazy, but that’s what December does to me – nothing unexpected there!

Happy new year to all of you, and I hope you’ve found something worth cherishing in your 2024 memories.

What I’ve read / Texte

📚 Books / Livres

I’m very proud to say that I held my word and finished reading Il Barone rampante, my second novel of the year and third novel ever in Italian.

Otherwise, it’s December, a tough month, so I almost exclusively read fiction – you’ll see from my list of favourites that the King and Pratchett readalongs are going great.

In English

  • Stephen King’s The Stand, The Shining
  • Like Happiness by Ursula Villarreal-Moura touches on finding someone who articulates your thoughts better than you did to yourself, being obsessed with this person, becoming friends with them, and then lovers, and realizing you may just be one of many pets.
  • Demon Copperhead, by Barbara Kingsolver, is a book about the foster system. No, wait, unemployment. No, wait, the opioid crisis. No, wait… okay, you get it. A heartbreaking and often darkly funny memoir by a boy who deserves better, as they all do.

En français

  • L’agrafe, de Maryline Desbiolles, suit une jeune coureuse très talentueuse, qui un jour se fait anéantir une jambe par un chien. La jambe, c’est ce que tout le monde voit ; mais Emma, elle, pense plutôt à la phrase du propriétaire du chien, gueulée pendant l’attaque : « Il n’aime pas les arabes ». Un très court livre avec une première moitié sur la course et le handicap et une deuxième sur les hameaux de forestage et l’histoire familiale de la jeune protagoniste.
  • De Terry Pratchett : Pyramides, Mortimer

🔍 Papers / Articles académiques

En français

📰 News and blog posts / Articles

As I recently said, my Kindle now enforces absurdly low highlights limits so I stopped reading news and blog posts on it. Reading on my phone means that I’ve spent less time with long-form, and that coincided with a rather lonely month during which I turned to Reddit, as one does.

In English

En français

What I’ve watched / Vidéo

🎞 Movies / Films

One of my 2025 goals is to watch more movies and I was inspired this year already.

Jawan is an Indian movie from 2022, I believe. It’s an action film with lots of guns and a few good songs too; everything about it felt so foreign to me, from the aesthetics to the ideas to the core assumptions that need to be made for the scenario to work. Incredibly refreshing, and that’s what made me want to watch more movies next year: realizing that not everything needs to be Hollywood sludge or a French film d’auteur.

Speaking of French films d’auteur, though…

Un beau jour, j’ai ouvert l’application Arte en me demandant s’il y avait quelque chose à regarder. M’interpelle alors un bandeau « Dernier jour sur Arte ! », et hop : j’ai regardé Le Corbeau, film de 1943 sur un village dont les habitants reçoivent des lettres anonymes odieuses. L’oeuvre a été l’objet de grandes controverses, dont quelques paniques morales qui feraient la fierté des haineux d’aujourd’hui, et elle est vraiment prenante. Là aussi, j’ai passé un excellent moment !

📺 TV Shows / Séries

  • Season 3 of The Sopranos
  • No progress on Star Trek TNG for many months
  • My partner and I have started season 4 of The Good Place.

📷 Online video / Vidéos en ligne

In English
All 3 of these videos are on Nebula. I believe the latter two are also somewhere on YouTube.

What I’ve listened to / Audio

En bonus : Waly Dia

M. et moi sommes allés voir Waly Dia en spectacle au Summum devant une salle comble. C’était super, j’avais peur de m’ennuyer sur un format bien plus long qu’une chronique mais c’était en fait un régal. À voir quand la version filmée (qui sera aussi tournée à Grenoble !) sortira !

🎤 Podcasts

This past month hasn’t been too active in terms of podcasts, but I’ve done several readalongs that I’ll recommend instead.

In English
On 99% Invisible, The 15 Minute City

  • Not A Cast’s chapter by chapter read of A song of ice and fire
  • Derry Public Radio’s book by book read of Stephen King’s novels
  • Girls Gone Canon’s chapter by chapter read of His Dark Materials – they normally do ASOIAF but I’ve got enough of that with Not a Cast, plus I prefer chronological format at least while I’m still reading along. I probably will listen when I’m done with the read-through.

En français

  • Je continue à me régaler sur La Dernière
  • Je suis preneur si vous connaissez des readalongs comme ceux que j’écoute en anglais, pour d’autres œuvres ou les mêmes.

What I’ve played / Jeux

Made the terrible mistake of reinstalling Stardew Valley on my phone. Somehow I hadn’t played since the 1.6 update so there’s a bunch of new stuff that gets me excited at every turn!

Where I’ve been / Lieux

J’ai fait un brunch fantastique (et vegan) à Meraki, place des Tilleuls à Grenoble.


Commentaire / Comment
