
Re:RSS feeds or blogs?

Replied to Reading Indie Blogs Right (

Loren put out an interesting post on why he prefers not to use an RSS reader: […] I did a post a few weeks back about why I’d actually prefer if you read my posts in RSS than the website itself.

I’m somewhere between the first two blog posts.

My flow for news consumption, in short, is see in RSS reader -> send anything longer than a couple of paragraphs to my e-reader for comfortable reading.

For the shortest posts, I often click just to give people a view (if they have analytics) and check if there’s a like button of some sort, given how much I love receiving likes.

In both cases, I discover the post through the RSS feed, then visit the website and enjoy the design and the context of the post. I read short posts in the RSS reader before clicking, and longer posts on my ereader after clicking.

In both cases, I mix my reading comfort and the context & design for bloggers who have put effort into it − I haven’t, and I’ve uninstalled my analytics plugin, so you’re very welcome to only read my RSS feed! (But ya know… it’s always nice to visit the page and click that lil’ like button. Give me the external validation I crave!)


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