391 articles sont étiquetés en.
The enshittification of the web… in 2012
The tech industry and its press have treated the rise of billion-scale social networks and ubiquitous smartphone apps as an unadulterated win for regular people, a triumph of usability and empowerment. They seldom talk about what we’ve lost along the way in this transition, and I find that younger folks may not even know how the web used to be.
Devastatia (NSFW website) shared this post that really made me smile. She found this 2012 post by Anil Dash called The Web We Lost. Although I had been blogging since middle school, I bought my first domain name in 2012 (actually, two of them: the personal one (Internet Archive didn’t keep the design, sad times)…
Communication era
james edited wikipedia today!
The Challenge
A few days ago, I remarked the following to a community of which I am a member: « I need to do or learn something new. » This sentence codifies a feeling of unease about not having a novel challenge that I have had recently.
While I love doing new things, I often stay within the same com…
and it makes me very happy. btw, citation hunt works in french too. i had never thought of using it as a tool to get people to make their first edits − it’s very smart!
subtitle hell
Evil Author Day is a great idea
And then I remembered about the Evil Author day. It is celebrated in some parts of the fanfiction community on the 15th of February. On this day people can post their unfinished stories and probably also other art, with full intention to never finish this.
I love the idea of Evil Author Day! It would be much more satisfying than Delete Your Drafts day. Looking forward to offloading some stuff next February 15, and thanks for sharing, Sara!
i’m closing un genre à soi
500m finals at the 2024 short-track speed skating world cup
Such a beautiful race where nothing was decided until the last second − a true example of what short-track speed skating looks like at its best!