391 articles sont étiquetés en.
August 2023 in review, retour sur août 2023
August was a fantastic month. I took 3 weeks off work, but almost didn’t go anywhere – I just lived my daily life in Grenoble, seeing friends whenever I wanted, having all my evenings free to do new things and take care of myself instead of attending meetings of questionable interest. I feel refreshed and…
about family, friends, colleagues reading your blog
A lot of people ask me how I feel comfortable sharing my blog with so many people in real life. (…) It takes a lot of effort to keep up with a blog that has no native subscription/notification feature. In my experience, the people who actually keep up with your blog will make themselves known quickly. And the rest you don’t have to worry about.
storygraph please give us an API
reply to sara on sponsoring women
I miss stumbleupon so much!
mandated return to office programmes suck (and we now have a study to prove it)
Meanwhile, a staggering 76% of employees stand ready to jump ship if their companies decide to pull the plug on flexible work schedules, according to the Greenhouse report. Moreover, employees from historically underrepresented groups are 22% more likely to consider other options if flexibility comes to an end.
In today’s « research shows what everyone knows, but it’s nice to read it from a serious source », people don’t want to be forced back into offices, especially since we’re fully aware that it’s completely useless.