Age of the City

Read Age of the City: Why Our Future Will be Won Or Lost Together ( )

In this book, Professor Goldin and Tom Lee-Devlin show why making our societies fairer, more cohesive and sustainable must start with our cities. Globalization and technological change have concentrated wealth into a small number of booming metropolises, leaving many smaller cities and towns behind and feeding populist resentment. Yet even within seemingly thriving cities like London or San Francisco, the gap between the haves and have-nots continues to widen and our retreat into online worlds tears away at our social fabric. Meanwhile, pandemics and climate change pose existential threats to our increasingly urban world.

Felt rushed and superficial in some parts, some others were better. A frustrating read because many very interesting things are said but stay on the superficial level; a good read nonetheless, not too US-centric. Mes notes de lecture en français sont ici.

Des espaces publics conçus pour le regard hétéro masculin

Read “Most public spaces are male spaces. It is men who do the looking” by Dr Ammar Azzouz

What is inclusive public space for LGBTQ+ citizens? The report, “Queering Public Space” a collaboration between Arup and the University of Westminster, unpicks public spaces and the white male gaze

En résumé : Avec la mise en danger des quartiers gay par la gentrification, on peut changer l’urbanisme pour le rendre plus inclusif pour les personnes queer et/ou femmes. Urbanisme queer En 1980, le Matrix Architectural Collective, organisation féministe, est créé à Londres. Leur objectif est d’étudier les géographies queer et féministes (mais elles continuent…