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they/he, il. Wikipedian and book reader, mostly. Localization and sociology enthusiast.

Et dire qu’on fait encore des présentations Powerpoint

Listened The Essay: Can You See My Slides? by Chris Onrust from

Does powerpoint make you dim? We look at the debate, the evidence, the history. We might even throw in a little slideware liberation manifesto.

En une phrase: Les présentations Powerpoint cassent les fonctions cognitives qui servent à la communication et à la compréhension. Elles créent une préoccupation sur le format et brisent les histoires et les données en petits fragments d’une diapositive. Elles limitent la réflexion : on doit se limiter à maximum 6 points / 40 mots en…

Cultures féminines et féminisme : le soap opera et le nail art

Read Cultures féminines et féminisme by Delphine Chedaleux

Du roman sentimental aux blogs de nail art en passant par le soap opera, de nombreux médias s’adressent explicitement aux femmes. Tout en véhiculant des normes oppressives, ils ouvrent des espaces de réflexion autour de la féminité et des rapports entre les sexes.

En une phrase: La culture populaire féminine présente des contraintes de genre mais permet de les négocier, entre autres parce qu’on n’y retrouve pas le besoin de capital (culturel, social ou économique) des activités des classes moyennes. Un résumé personnel un peu plus détaillé La distinction de classe de Pierre Bourdieu a évolué : maintenant,…

audiobook recommendations for Pride

Liked A playlist of audiobook recommendations for Pride (Mastodon)

I made a playlist of audiobook recommendations for Pride on

If you get the audiobooks through the playlist, you support both my reviews and an independent bookstore of your choice.

This is great! Audiobooks are cool and LGBTQ+ books are even cooler, and this playlist, which is also hosted on my lovely, which has an amazing business model. Check out Jude’s list!


Read Jawbone by Mónica Ojeda

Fernanda and Annelise are so close they are practically sisters: a double image, inseparable. So how does Fernanda end up bound on the floor of an abandoned cabin, kidnapped by one of her teachers and estranged from Annelise?

I labored through this entire book waiting for the payoff. It didn’t pay off. The ending made me so angry, not because it’s anger-inducing but because it’s empty. You’re telling me I went through all these convoluted, « I love hearing the sound of my voice »-type monologues for this? I should have listened to my gut and…

This moment isn’t about decentralization

Liked This moment isn’t about decentralization by Ben WerdmullerBen Werdmuller (

I think it’s important to understand that what’s happening today in social media is not because decentralization’s time has come: it’s because Twitter’s time has gone.
Many of us have been wanting decentralized social networking for a long time — I’ve been a part of these conversations for around twenty years. It’s tempting to feel like people finally get it. But that’s a trap and a mistake. As always, quite rightly, most people want something that works for them. If decentralized tech gets them there better than the alternative (and I think it can!) then there’s a wonderful route forward for everyone. But decentralization is not the goal. The goal is always a human experience for people who do not and should not care how the sausage gets made.

Liking this and putting here with no comment, but a personal blog post on that topic may follow, tomorrow or in 3 years.