
Do people IRL know you have a blog?

Replied to Do people IRL know you have a blog? by bacardi55bacardi55 (

Yet another non usual technical blog post today… But something I have been thinking about for a few weeks… So I thought that writing it here might get it out of my system (and maybe raise intersting responses). Maybe with the reply july challenge (even though I’m not officially participating),…

Not only do people IRL know I have a blog, but I don’t let them forget it.

I’m extremely obnoxious about the upsides of having a personal blog and wanting us all to use RSS feeds and comment sections and/or webmentions.

More importantly, I use my blog as a repository of answers to conversations or questions. Recently, for instance, I sent my Obsidian (in French) and how I follow news blog posts to several friends because the topic kept coming up, and then we moved to a discussion once they’d read the non-personalized fundamentals. It’s part of what I talk about in Une injonction à la pédagogie militante (in French), actually − recycling your answers and making them public, then taking the time to have a conversation, especially on more emotionally draining topics.

I also did it for the whole Interrail trip through Europe, as I didn’t want to spend my days sharing the same photos and information to my friends and family, but still wanted to share my experience daily with them!

However, I don’t expect anyone to read my blog. I’ll link to it, and encourage them to have an RSS feed reader and happily help them set up their own website, but it’s just poor form to expect someone to read what I write about − just like it’s cringe to be offended when your IRL friends don’t follow you on social media.


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  1. Posted in reply to bacardi55 (Do people IRL know you have a blog?) and Alex (Do people IRL know you have a blog?)
    Both bacardi55 and Alex talked about their very different approach to letting their blog be known to the people they originally met in the real work and not online. Let me also jump on the same wagon.
    I am something in between – I am not hiding my blog. I am also not promoting my blog. If people ask me for my hobbies, blogging or writing on the internet will be somewhere there. If people ask more, than that is fine, if not, well, that is fine as well. If the conversation goes into that direction, I will absolutely mention why having one own site is awesome – and also the drawbacks.