Styling internal and external links

Replied to Styling the external links on this site (Rach Smith’s digital garden)

One nice side-effect of doing this #WeblogPoMo2024 challenge is that I’m forced to look at my website every day, and I’m inspired to make little changes to it.

Love that styling external links is becoming more of a thing! 🙂 The « preview on hover » thing is something I have enabled on Wikipedia a real long time ago and I can’t browse that site without it anymore… but I never thought of doing it on my own blog. Hmm… maybe this should…

Live to work

Replied to Work to Live, Live to Work by Devastatia (

That said, I have to push back on a suggestion I overheard that one should only have to work twenty-four hours in a week to live comfortably. A popular trope these days goes: « I don’t live to work. I work to live. »

(Note to my readers: Devastatia’s website has mildly erotic content and may not be appropriate for wherever you are right now. I recommend visiting that blog, but make sure you won’t get fired or yelled at over it!) I’m finally at home and ready to engage with other people again, woo! I’m gonna charitably assume…

heure d’été

Replied to Mage 🏳️‍🌈 ( (Eldritch Café)

Unpopular opinion : oui perdre une heure lors du passage heure d’hiver > heure d’été est pénible mais la manière dont ça nous permet d’être + calés sur le rythme solaire notamment en pouvant se réveiller longtemps de jour en hiver et retarder le coucher de soleil en été vaut largement le sacrifice

unpopular opinion: ceci, mais en plus c’est vraiment pas si pénible

carte de planification des voyages

Replied to Mage 🏳️‍🌈 ( (Eldritch Café)

Vous connaissez des bons outils (payants OK) pour créer des cartes de trajets pour ses vacances ?
J’ai testé travelMap et j’aime le rendu mais l’interface est absolument abominable

edit : c’est pour planifier, je veux visualiser en avance un road trip !

Je sais pas si ça répond à ton besoin (d’autant plus que ça ne couvre que les trajets à pied et en vélo correctement), mais je me fais des traces gpx sur OSMAnd. Super pour prévoir la visite d’une ville, pas du tout approprié pour planifier des vacances itinérantes.

subtitle hell

Replied to this is the title of a blog post by Jess Driscoll (jess is typing)

I don’t remember when I started adding alt text to photos. That’s not to say I’ve been doing it for soooo long. Back in my hand-coded HTML days, it wasn’t a regular practice. It’s only been in the last ten years (perhaps less?) that adding alt text has become the polite thing–and then the right thing—to do online. I just don’t remember when or why I started.

What I know for sure is that I was inspired by someone else. Someone wrote about the benefits of alt text. Someone showed us how to add it

excellent post. however, to the point: As I’m planning to make video content again, I’m thinking about whether I want to add hardcoded captions. No! No you don’t!! Find a hosting provider that allows you to have a separate .srt file for subtitles. NEVER burn them into the video EVER. Some of us need to…

Imagine a conference without blood loss

Replied to What does my Menstruation has Against Conferences? by Sara Jakša (

This is a rant
I am currently on my first day of the PyCon Slovakia. And I had not be able to take the full advantage of this because of menstrual pain.
Usually on the first and last strong day of the menstruation, I get some pain. How big it is and how many hours it lasts depends on multiple factor…

I know, right??? Menstruation happens for about one week out of four. Ovulation is another couple of tough days somewhere in the middle. And yet everytime we have a conference or really cool event we’re on our periods and can’t make the most of them. It’s statistically impossible AND YET I believe there is a…

Pumpkin autumn challenge chez Winter Witch

Replied to Mes premières lectures du Pumpkin Autumn Challenge by Winter (A Winter Witch)

Légendes & Lattes de Travis Baldree : je ne savais pas grand-chose de ce roman avant de l’acheter, j’ai surtout été attiré par le titre. Notre héroïne orque Viv, lassée des combats, découvre l’arôme délicieux du café (…) (oui je déteste le café) et décide d’en ouvrir un dans un village où personne ne connaît cette boisson. Mais bien sûr, cela sera plus compliqué que prévu ! J’ai été ravie de tomber sur cette histoire par hasard. C’est cosy, doux, avec beaucoup d’amitié et un soupçon de romance. Il y a suffisamment d’intrigue et de rebondissement pour qu’on ne s’ennuie pas. Ce ne sera clairement pas le roman de ma vie, mais une lecture rapide et qui ne se prend pas au sérieux, je dis forcément oui !

J’avais raté ce post, je sais pas ce qu’il s’est passé pour que je le loupe mais maintenant j’ai bien vérifié que t’étais dans mon lecteur de flux RSS donc ça devrait aller mieux ! Cette année j’ai pas fait de challenge de lecture et ça m’a pas franchement manqué, mais c’est toujours aussi cool…

Some answers on ActivityPub for

Replied to Some flaws with ActivityPub and integration by Elizabeth Tai (Elizabeth Tai)

Definitely liking how ActivityPub works with my two blogs. However, there are a few limitations.

I’ve been using activitypub for wordpress for several months now, before it was officially supported by and then Otherwise I don’t have any good knowledge of the plugin, so this is just « random user knowledge », not expert or even power user answers. But replying to two of the flaws you highlight…

reply to sara on sponsoring women

Replied to Ali je slabo, da sem slaba v sponzoriranju ljudi? by Jakša (

Pred kratkim sem ponovno prebrala članek What does sponsorship look like?. Govori predvsem v tem, kakšna je razlika med mentoriranjem in sponzoriranjem ljudi.
Sama pri sebi opazujem, da sem še vedno slaba v dejanskem sponzoriranjem ljudi. Ne vem zakaj, mogoče nisem pretirano dobra v tem, da prep…

In my opinion, being the only woman in your org and staying there and existing there and advocating for yourself is already a huge militant step. I also don’t think there is a responsibility for women to sponsor other women, specifically – anyone can and should sponsor women (and people of other minorities, of course).…