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they/he, il. Wikipedian and book reader, mostly. Localization and sociology enthusiast.

Where have all the websites gone?

Liked Where have all the websites gone? by Jason Velazquez (

So when we wonder where all the websites have gone, know it’s the curators we’re nostalgic for because the curators showed us the best the web had to offer once upon a time. And the curators— the tenders, aggregators, collectors, and connectors— can bring us back to something better. Because it’s still out there, we just have to find it.


Open a Linktree account or whatever. And instead of adding your other social media accounts, add three links to your favorite blog posts. Or, add links to a few artists with their own sites. Or your favorite aggregator sites. It doesn’t matter what you include, so long as we make portals to other digital green spaces that exist outside of Instagram.

Chasseurs d’étoiles

Read Chasseurs d’étoiles by Cherie Dimaline

Lorsqu’il se réveille seul dans le noir, Frenchie comprend tout de suite où il a échoué. Au fil des ans, l’adolescent métis a vu ses proches disparaître un à un dans ces pensionnats où les siens sont réduits à l’état de cobayes et torturés.
Alors que les épidémies et les catastrophes naturelles ont emporté des millions de personnes et privé les survivants de la faculté de rêver, seuls les peuples autochtones ont su la conserver dans la moelle de leurs os. Depuis, ils sont traqués par le gouvernement, qui les enferme pour nourrir les Sans-rêves de la précieuse substance.
Frenchie, qui a appris à survivre en forêt en compagnie de sa famille d’adoption, est pourtant loin de se douter de tous les sacrifices qu’il devra faire pour retrouver sa liberté, et des terribles vérités qui lui seront révélées en chemin.

On reprend Pilleurs de rêves, dont j’avais écrit ce retour en 2020 :  Je ne savais pas à quoi m’attendre. Une dystopie jeune adulte normale. Un divergente, un hunger games. J’ai pris une bonne claque en travers de la tête. Sous prétexte de littérature young adult, Dimaline traite de sujets terribles, et elle n’adoucit rien.…

Pastels and Pedophiles: Inside the Mind of Qanon

Read Pastels and Pedophiles: Inside the Mind of Qanon

Two experts of extremist radicalization take us down the QAnon rabbit hole, exposing how the conspiracy theory ensnared countless Americans, and show us a way back to sanity.

In January 2021, thousands descended on the U.S. Capitol to aid President Donald Trump in combating a shadowy cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles. Two women were among those who died that day. They, like millions of Americans, believed that a mysterious insider known as « Q » is exposing a vast deep-state conspiracy. The QAnon conspiracy theory has ensnared many women, who identify as members of « pastel QAnon, » answering the call to « save the children. »

With Pastels and Pedophiles, Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko explain why the rise of QAnon should not surprise us: believers have been manipulated to follow the baseless conspiracy. The authors track QAnon’s unexpected leap from the darkest corners of the Internet to the filtered glow of yogi-mama Instagram, a frenzy fed by the COVID-19 pandemic that supercharged conspiracy theories and spurred a fresh wave of Q-inspired violence.

I have been (relatively mildly, considering what I’m capable of) obsessed with Pastel QAnon in the past few years and of course, when I saw that this book existed, I needed to get my hands on it. I think it’s an excellent overview of QAnon for people who don’t really understand what’s going on (and…

The Bell in the Fog

Read The Bell in the Fog by Lev AC Rosen

San Francisco, 1952. Detective Evander “Andy” Mills has started a new life for himself as a private detective—but his business hasn’t exactly taken off. It turns out that word spreads fast when you have a bad reputation, and no one in the queer community trusts him enough to ask an ex-cop for help.

When James, an old flame from the war who had mysteriously disappeared, arrives in his offices above the Ruby, Andy wants to kick him out. But the job seems to be a simple case of blackmail, and Andy’s debts are piling up. He agrees to investigate, despite everything it stirs up.

The case will take him back to the shadowy, closeted world of the Navy, and then out into the gay bars of the city, where the past rises up to meet him, like the swell of the ocean under a warship. Missing people, violent strangers, and scandalous photos that could destroy lives are a whirlpool around him, and Andy better make sense of it all before someone pulls him under for good.

I recently found out about The Bell in the Fog, the second tome to the Lavender House series (of which I enjoyed book 1). Set a few months after the first tome, it has (slightly) fewer police beatings of gay men and (much) more gruesome deaths. It’s pretty good, in other words. This one isn’t…

Le premier jour de paix

Read Le premier jour de paix by Elisa Beiram

2098. Aureliano est las du XXIe siècle, ses famines, ses guerres. Sa communauté s’entre-tue, isolée entre la jungle colombienne et l’océan. Seule porte de sortie : une aide extérieure à migrer et se séparer. Le vieillard lance des appels radio comme des bouteilles à la mer et érige un mausolée idéal fait des déchets déposés par les vagues.
Mais une rumeur parcourt le monde : certains continuent à œuvrer pour la paix. Si Aureliano regarde vers le rivage, d’autres rêvent toujours en fixant les étoiles.

Il me semble que la recommandation de lire ce roman me vient du serveur Discord Horizons Solarpunk, qui n’est pas très actif mais rempli de Wikimédiens gens sympa, et qui malheureusement n’a pas de forum, ou de plateforme d’échanges un peu moins dégueu à utiliser que Discord. Bon : le style d’écriture est un peu…

The Unfortunates

Read The Unfortunates by J.K. Chukwu

Dear Reader,
It has come to my attention that smoking kills, along with police, loner white boys, and looks. While embroiled in the process of trying to live, I have written this honors thesis [1]. It [2] is dedicated to the first years who haven’t yet died from alcohol poisoning, exhaustion, or overdosing. This work has been a labor of love and of hate. In it, you will find juxtaposition, verisimilitude, French, Freud, and anything else I’ve wasted 60K a year to learn.
I would like to thank my advisors: Mr. White Supremacy, Mr. Capitalism, Ms. Racism, and, of course, my Life Partner [3] for all the guidance they have provided during this process.
Set in the mind of a young Black woman who is losing it, The Unfortunates is a darkly funny debut about the realities of elitist institutions from an exceptional new writer.
[1] Ma lettre d’adieu.
[2] When writing an honors thesis, you can get away with vague antecedents.
[3] My depression

One of these books that make you call back your therapist and say « hiii I’m sorry I’ve been ghosting you for the past 6 months ». I struggled to get into this book because the writing style is far from classic, but once I had gotten into the rhythm, I could not let go…