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they/he, il. Wikipedian and book reader, mostly. Localization and sociology enthusiast.

La masculinité de rattrapage

Read transMasculine Artifice by Lotus Lloyd

Hey, are the prescribed gender roles present in all too many of our “self-made men” a bad defense mechanism? That would be bad right?

En une phrase : La communauté transmasculine semble avoir régressé dans la conviction que pour devenir un homme, il faut devenir l’homme le plus masculin possible. Mes notes détaillées Les hommes trans ne sont pas des « self-made-men » : ils redécouvrent souvent ce qu’il reste des archétypes de la masculinité toxique, et les affichent en ligne…

Being broke, poor, or maybe just upper middle class in an upper class world

Liked “Saltburn,” “The Bling Ring,” and the Pathetic Desperation of the Upper Middle Class by Drew Burnett GregoryDrew Burnett Gregory (Autostraddle)

I could respond to every sign of immense privilege with reasons why I still had less than the people around me. I mean, do wealthy people grow up hearing their parents worry about money? I thought, of course not. The real answer is, of course. Everyone worries about money! My parents would argue they had to take loans out to pay for my college and rich people can pay out of pocket. But the truth is there are just levels to being rich.

I really liked the way this post used personal experience and a couple of movies to remind us that there are different levels of rich and of privilege. I had the exact same struggles as the author when in business school: many of my peers were going to all the fancy open-champagne skiing events, while…

How to do a good bad job « trying » with your loved one’s transition

Liked How To Do A Good Bad Job « Trying » With Your Loved One’s Transition by Daniel Lavery (The Chatner)

Trail off immediately [after using the right pronoun] if you can, to demonstrate that the effort has drained your slender resources. “The store…” What were you saying? Who can remember? Your voice has been stolen. This is so hard!!!

After the excellent Avoiding transition by family committee, here’s the other side of the coin: How to do a good bad job « trying » with your loved one’s transition. Hilarious, and horribly true, as usual.

deprecating content

Liked Advent of Technical Writing: Deprecating Content by James James (

This is the tenth post in the Advent of Technical Writing series, wherein I will share something I have learned from my experience as a technical writer. My experience is primarily in software technical writing, but what you read may apply to different fields, too. View all posts in the series.

This is something I never quite know how to approach at work. Thanks for writing it, James − it’s going to be shared with my colleagues!

Palo Alto by Malcolm Harris

Read Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World by Malcolm Harris ( )

The first comprehensive, global history of Silicon Valley, from railroad capitalists to microchip assemblers, showing how Northern California created the world as we know it

Palo Alto is nice. The weather is temperate, the people are educated, rich, healthy, enterprising. Remnants of a hippie counterculture have synthesized with high technology and big finance to produce the spiritually and materially ambitious heart of Silicon Valley, whose products are changing how we do everything from driving around to eating food. It is also a haunted toxic waste dump built on stolen Indian burial grounds, and an integral part of the capitalist world system.

I forced myself to not take any notes or highlights when reading this book, and ended up with three (3) highlights on a 700+ page book, which I consider a win. Palo Alto was a really good book at some points, and felt like a chore at others. I think the images and narratives are…



L’Université Grenoble Alpes a lancé un nouveau podcast (sur Youtube uniquement pour l’instant, de ce que je vois) de psychologie et sciences cognitives, que je trouve super intéressant. Non seulement ça, mais en plus le dernier épisode en date parle du bien-être des ados sportifs de haut niveau, en plein quand je travaille sur l’article…

Pumpkin autumn challenge chez Winter Witch

Replied to Mes premières lectures du Pumpkin Autumn Challenge by Winter (A Winter Witch)

Légendes & Lattes de Travis Baldree : je ne savais pas grand-chose de ce roman avant de l’acheter, j’ai surtout été attiré par le titre. Notre héroïne orque Viv, lassée des combats, découvre l’arôme délicieux du café (…) (oui je déteste le café) et décide d’en ouvrir un dans un village où personne ne connaît cette boisson. Mais bien sûr, cela sera plus compliqué que prévu ! J’ai été ravie de tomber sur cette histoire par hasard. C’est cosy, doux, avec beaucoup d’amitié et un soupçon de romance. Il y a suffisamment d’intrigue et de rebondissement pour qu’on ne s’ennuie pas. Ce ne sera clairement pas le roman de ma vie, mais une lecture rapide et qui ne se prend pas au sérieux, je dis forcément oui !

J’avais raté ce post, je sais pas ce qu’il s’est passé pour que je le loupe mais maintenant j’ai bien vérifié que t’étais dans mon lecteur de flux RSS donc ça devrait aller mieux ! Cette année j’ai pas fait de challenge de lecture et ça m’a pas franchement manqué, mais c’est toujours aussi cool…