Joli coucher de soleil sur Saint-Malo


July 2024 in review / Récap de juillet 2024

Phew, what a month!

I started a 100 squats per day challenge, and lasted 28 days before realizing that not letting my knee get a single day of rest was not going to help with recovery, and then immediately bounced back with a one Commons photo per day challenge.

I wrapped up my final projects at Meta and am now starting to enjoy a few weeks where everyone is on holidays and I don’t have too much to do there. I took a week off work to go to an absolutely wonderful Wikimedia weekend in Saint-Malo and then ETHCC, my first crypto conference, in Brussels. That was very interesting.

I had some printer and phone mishaps. I’ll forgive the printer, which I bought second-hand for 10€ before realizing this model hasn’t been manufactured since 2006 − no regrets there, it still works as a scanner while I look for a new that I can only hope will last 18 years. The phone, though, is from three or four years ago. I bought it second-hand because it’s a work phone and I don’t need to use it that much… and found out that most of the apps I use for work don’t maintain their apps for more than a couple of years, which I find absolutely repulsive.

Also, it’s the Olympics, which means I spend at least half an hour a day crying happy tears because someone is happy they won a game. I love sports, I love the Olympics, and I love that France TV offers a high-quality free broadcast (even though I did shell out 10€ for an Eurosport subscription for a few extra games).

What I’ve read / Texte

📚 Books / Livres

I’m still catching up on my June reads for the book reviews, sorry for the absence of links to detailed opinions!

In English

  • Fiction
    • The No-girlfriend rule (Christen Randall) is a cute young adult romance with lots of tabletop RPG involved. Found through Autostraddle’s quarterly list of queer literary releases.
    • The House of Doors, by Tan Twan Eng, was an interesting historical novel set in colonial Malaysia and a Booker Prize contender.
    • My best read of the month was the Women’s Prize contender River East, River West by Aube Rey Lescure.
    • The Weavers of Alaxama was part 2 of The Daughters of Izdihar, an excellent North African feminist fantasy novel
    • Ordinary Human Failings, a contemporary novel by Megan Nolan, was a Women’s Prize contender and follows grief and shame in 1990s Ireland and England.

En français

  • Non-fiction
    • La fille aux sept noms, mémoires d’une réfugiée nord-coréenne, m’a permis de renouer avec mes fascinations d’il y a quinze ans. C’était super.
    • Coup de cœur des bibliothécaires de mon quartier, Les enfants endormis d’Anthony Passeron se révèle à la hauteur. L’auteur y retrace la mort de son oncle Désiré, mort du sida dans la France rurale des années 1980, la mettant en parallèle avec l’histoire de la recherche sur le sida et le VIH en France. Dans le déluge des récits américains, j’ai été fasciné de découvrir une toute autre histoire − et même deux.

Also, The Storygraph has a cute infographic you can easily share, now!

Pasted image 20240731122331.png

🔍 Papers / Articles académiques

Si besoin, n’hésitez pas à m’envoyer un email ou à me contacter pour que je vous partage tout article payant (indiqué par 🔏).

🔏 SHULZ Sébastien, « Quelles stratégies politiques pour le mouvement des communs ? », Mouvements, 2024/2 (n° 117), p. 173-181.

📰 News and blog posts / Articles

In English

En français
Si besoin, n’hésitez pas à m’envoyer un email ou à me contacter pour que je vous partage tout article payant (indiqué par 🔏).

What I’ve watched / Vidéo

📺 TV Shows / Séries

  • My partner and I finished season 2 of Girls5Eva, then started season 3. It’s on pause because every evening is spent watching the Olympics, of course.
  • I started House of the Dragon season 1. Somehow I powered through half the season, even though I was both bored to death and grossed out. That’s just the usual Game of Thrones feelings I get, which is sad considering how much I’m enjoying my re-read of the novels.
  • I’ve watched two episodes of The Bear, which I still call The Chef in my head every time because I’m a simple person. It’s really good. When the Olympics are over and I get some free time again, I’ll resume watching.
  • I finished season 4 of Star Trek TNG and am taking an extended break.
  • My partner and I are also very much enjoying Nebula’s original reality TV game, The Getaway.

📷 Online video / Vidéos en ligne

In English

What I’ve listened to / Audio

🎤 Podcasts

In English

En français

🎹 Music

What I’ve played / Jeux

I’ve played a bit of Hades, again, and that one fun single-player RPG: Superhuman Industrial and Immaterial, Incorporated.

Where I’ve been / Lieux

  • Saint-Malo: gorgeous
  • Bruxelles: so weird. But cool
  • L’Écoutou, on a hike that made me face exactly how horribly out of shape I am.

Commentaire / Comment
