26 articles sont étiquetés blogging.
My web archive, from 2001 to 2022
Evil Author Day is a great idea
And then I remembered about the Evil Author day. It is celebrated in some parts of the fanfiction community on the 15th of February. On this day people can post their unfinished stories and probably also other art, with full intention to never finish this.
I love the idea of Evil Author Day! It would be much more satisfying than Delete Your Drafts day. Looking forward to offloading some stuff next February 15, and thanks for sharing, Sara!
101 blog posts ideas for your personal website
Another thing to do with your website
Light anxiety around writing for January 2024
about family, friends, colleagues reading your blog
A lot of people ask me how I feel comfortable sharing my blog with so many people in real life. (…) It takes a lot of effort to keep up with a blog that has no native subscription/notification feature. In my experience, the people who actually keep up with your blog will make themselves known quickly. And the rest you don’t have to worry about.
How I got into personal websites
I blog because I want to share my thoughts, which seems pretty obvious. The real reason I write is to find the person I’ve always wanted to become. For many years, I lost control of who I was. All that ambition, all those goals were pushed back. Truly, I want to learn how I can become more expressive with myself. I want to reconnect with myself. Blogging is only one piece of putting me back together.