
book reviews and ratings

recently I’ve been trying not to rate my reads on The Storygraph but leaving a review, even if it’s just one line of text.

in general, I’m trying to take my brain away from the plague that is the 5-star system – I just don’t care for a book’s net promoter score, and opinions of other people without arguments don’t have any value to me.

two ratings that I’m struggling to get rid of are the one star (very rare, I basically only keep it for stuff that I believe should « objectively » be boycotted) and the five star, not because it means anything but because it’s easy to filter for when looking for recommendations to share and remembering books that left their mark on me. I guess a tag could replace both.

also, I’ve been really terrible at posting my reviews on this blog instead of a platform owned by someone else. I need to make it easier for myself if I want to make it a habit.



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